Currently N/A°F in Menifee, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Monday, March 10, 2025 4:23 AM PDT
Menifee Forecast Summary
Today Tomorrow Wednesday
Partly sunny, Chance of showers Showers, Mostly cloudy Chance of showers, Partly sunny
Partly sunny, Chance of showers   Showers, Mostly cloudy   Chance of showers, Partly sunny
High: 71°F High: 59°F High: 60°F
Low: 47°F Low: 47°F Low: 47°F
Currently in Menifee
Alert Warning: Current weather report out of date

Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure

Time:  4:23 AM PDT
Temperature:  N/A
Normal Temperature 67°F
Relative Humidity:  N/A
Dewpoint:  N/A°F
Heat Index:  N/A°F
Wind Chill:  N/A°F
Wind:  N/A
Gusts:  N/A
Barometer:  N/APressure Change N/A

Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise Sunset Daylight
Today: 7:05 AM 6:52 PM 11:47
Tomorrow: 7:04 AM 6:53 PM 11:49
30 Day Sunrise and Sunset Almanac

Extreme Temperatures

Today Normal Last Year Record
High: N/A N/A 68°F 65°F 78°F 2009
Low: N/A N/A 40°F 53°F 33°F 2012


60 Min. Today Month Season Normal
N/A N/A 2.62" 4.74" 4.62"
Season began July 1, 2015
Past Season Precipitation Totals
Data captured from a Peet Bros. Ultimeter 2100
Local Weather Roundup
* Weather report not current
Menifee Forecast
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Alert Forecast not current

A chilly morning is predicted on Saturday, with areas of frost in the valleys. Otherwise, warm and dry days are expected this weekend. Precipitation is on tap for late Monday into Tuesday and again for Wednesday through Friday. There is greater potential for heavier rainfall with the second system, and widespread gusty winds in addition.

Today: Sunny. Afternoon breezes , high near 68°F .

Pollen level is rated "medium-high".

Predicted air quality is good, AQI: 44 (for the Perris Valley courtesy of the SCAQMD).

Tonight: Clear and cool. Light breezes, low around 44°F.

Sunday: Sunny. Light breezes, high of about 74°F.

Sunday night:Mostly clear and cool. Light breezes, low near 47°F.

Monday: Partly sunny. 20 percent chance of showers in the afternoon, high around 71°F.

Monday night: Mostly cloudy and cool. 60 percent chance of showers, mainly after midnight, low of about 47°F.

Tuesday: Mostly cloudy and cool. Showers likely, mainly in the morning, high near 59°F.

Tuesday night: Mostly cloudy and cool. Slight chance of showers in the evening, low around 47°F.

Wednesday: Partly sunny. Chance of showers, mainly in the afternoon, high of about 60°F.

Wednesday night: Cloudy and cool. Showers, low near 44°F.

Thursday: Cloudy and cool. Showers, high around 53°F.

Thursday night: Partly cloudy and cold. Chance of showers, low of about 38°F.

Friday: Mostly sunny and cool. Slight chance of showers, high near 56°F.

Menifee forecast updated daily. Based on data from the National Weather Service, San Diego office and from WeatherCurrents.
Recently in Menifee
Date High Low Ave. Prec.
January 29 77°F 42°F 57°F 0.00"
January 28 77°F 38°F 56°F 0.00"
January 27 72°F 36°F 52°F 0.00"
January 26 71°F 36°F 53°F 0.00"
January 25 70°F 40°F 54°F 0.00"
January 24 65°F 45°F 52°F 0.00"
January 23 65°F 43°F 52°F 0.00"
More Past Weather
Menifee Featured Photos
Sunrise Underway
Sunrise Underway: Looking east from southern Menifee at dawn. Photo courtesy of Reginald Stanley.
Menifee/Sun City Weather News
Storm Totals: March 5th-7th, 2025

A cold upper-level low pressure system moved southeast through Southern Cal ...

Posted March 8, 2025, 12:46 PM
Other Weather Information

The Menifee, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. The City of Menifee consists of the communities of Menifee, Sun City and Quail Valley and is located in in southwestern Riverside County, California, north of Murrieta, south of Perris and east of Canyon Lake.
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