Currently 41°F in Hemet, California, USA
41°F / 41°F
Friday, March 14, 2025 1:51 AM PDT

Older Hemet Weather News

Editor's Note: Newer news items are available.

11:00am: Problems with DSL in the Hemet area are keeping data from streaming to the web site. We are hoping the problems will be resolved soon.
3:30pm: A heavy hailstorm has been reported this afternoon in eastern Hemet. The hail is reportedly small, but a lot of it fell.
9:20am: CalTrans has decided to shut down one lane of Interstate 15 northbound south of the Highway 79 exit in Temecula as a precaution, according to a story in The Californian this morning. A mudslide below the freeway onto the Temecula Creek golf course has undermined the road. A blocked drainpipe caused rainwaters to saturate the soil instead of running off. The lane may be closed two weeks while CalTrans repairs the slope.
Other roads that remain closed include Pauba Road east of Temecula, Pala Road south of Temecula (repairs there are underway), and the Ortega Highway between Lake Elsinore and San Juan Capistrano.
4:50pm: Prado Dam in the Corona area has been reportedly shored up, the mandatory evacuation has been lifted, and Highway 71 has reopened this afternoon.
1:45pm: There are news reports today of a minor leak in the Prado Dam, which holds back the Santa Ana River in the Corona area, near the intersections of Highway 71 and Highway 91. The area has been evacuated as a precaution, and Highway 71 is closed in both directions.
6:20pm: In a Press-Enterprise news article on this weekend's massive rainfall, Leanard Hale, who was the former general manager of the Lake Hemet Municipal Water District, said that "records for the Hemet area indicate this winter season - October through January - has been the wettest stretch in history for the valley". The article also states that: "The area's average amount of rainfall between October and January ranges from 6 to 7 inches."
11:10pm: The heavy rainfall story has been updated with more road closings, some pictures, the reopening of Highway 79 South in Temecula, other online news articles, and more.
1:10pm: A feature story on this weekend's heavy rainfall has been posted.
9:20am: The owner and operator of, John Toman, was interviewed this week for a radio program that will air this Sunday between 7:00am and 7:30am on local Temecula radio stations 94.5 and 103.3.

This morning's earthquake felt in parts of southwestern Riverside County at about 6:35am was 4.4 on the richter scale and centered in Fontana up in San Bernardino County. See the Southern California Earthquake Data Center for details.

8:54am: The rain gauge at Hemet blew over in the strong winds overnight, so we've had to adjust the rainfall reading this morning using data from the nearby Cranston fire station. Trees are also down in various spots this morning in the Hemet area. As a result of the adjustment, the site shows a lot of rain (over an inch) in the 8am hour. The actual amount for the 8am hour is around 0.05".
12:00pm: Links to the National Weather Service's soaring forecast have been restored on all of the sites. They had been previously lost in the NWS web site redesign this past summer.
7:15am: The Press-Enterprise reported yesterday (note: registration required to read the story) that the fire season has officially ended in southern California, something that was widely expected after the frequent rainfall. In northern California, the fire season had been declared over in October.
11:00am: Yesterday the temperature/humidity sensor for Hemet was relocated in an attempt to produce low temperatures which better reflect the surrounding area. More work may need to be done, but for now the lows on this site should be relatively lower by a few degrees than before.
10:20pm: Frost Warning: For the third morning in a row, widespread frost is predicted in the Hemet area, although temperatures are predicted to be a couple of degrees warmer than the previous two mornings.
10:13pm: Frost/Freeze Warning: For the second morning in a row, several hours of freezing temperatures and widespread frost are predicted.
8:42pm: Frost/Freeze Warning: A cold night is in store, and frost is predicted to be widespread in the Hemet area tomorrow morning. Currently a low temperature of 29°F is predicted, but colder temperatures are possible.

Because temperatures may be below freezing for more than a couple of hours in some spots, a freeze warning is in effect. Some sensitive plants may not survive without protection.

11:25am: Rainfall reports for the San Jacinto Valley for Sunday:
Location Storm  Source
East Hemet 1.40" WeatherCurrents
West Hemet 0.98" Hemet/Ryan Airfield
10:30am: Sunday was the coldest day of the year in Hemet, and the coldest ever recorded in the Hemet weather station's two years. The average temperature was only 38.9°F between 6am and 6pm.

More snow photos from Sunday:

WeatherCurrents has published a story with local photos on the snowfall, for those who are interested.

11:50am: The following snow photos from this morning are courtesy of Robert Leonard:
8:55am: Snow is confimed in eastern Hemet in the Valle Vista area, where the Hemet weather station is located. Accumulations are up to an inch there.
7:45am: Snow!? Snow has been falling in the Temecula Valley this morning. If you've seen snow in Hemet or San Jacinto today, please tell us.
7:45am: Rainfall reports for the San Jacinto Valley for the recent storm:
Location Storm  Source
East Hemet 0.63" WeatherCurrents
West Hemet 0.24" Hemet/Ryan Airfield
6:25am: Once again, if you've recorded rainfall from Sunday and Monday's storm, please submit your totals and we will publish them here tonight. Please include your location (including major cross streets).
11:20am: The Menifee Valley weather site, serving the Menifee/Sun City area, has been released.
7:50am: If you've recorded rainfall from this past storm, please submit your totals and we will run them here perhaps tomorrow. Please include your location (including major cross streets). Also, any storm-related pictures would be appreciated; a feature story on the record October rainfall is coming soon.
6:45am: Areas susceptible to flooding will likely be flooded this morning after heavy rainfall this morning. Exercise care driving today; conditions will be treacherous.
3:50pm: This past weekend we began showing sunrise and sunset information on all WeatherCurrents sites. This information is located in the "Currently" section on each main page, underneath "Temperature, Humidity, Wind & Pressure". There is some (but very little) variability of times between the various communities. Note that the times are based on a flat horizon. Hills in some communities will cause the actual sunrise to be later and the actual sunset to be sooner.
3:35pm: After a week of wet weather and between 2 and 5 inches of rain in San Diego and Riverside counties, fire season in the northern part of California has been declared over, but fire units are still on alert in our region. Fire officials are warning that one strong Santa Ana wind event could dry out vegetation. We've also finally released a chronology of significant wildfires in Southwest Riverside County and the Fallbrook area.
10:15am: New today is the current local weather roundup page. For those who would like to see current information for all of WeatherCurrents' weather sites, including temperatures, rainfall and wind data, the new page offers a convenient one stop summary.
3:15pm: The National Weather Service has updated their forecast for this weekend. Rain is likely west of the mountains for late Saturday night and Sunday morning. Up to half an inch is possible. A tropical system is being tracked, and if moisture from it mixes in, totals could be higher.
9:55am: The National Weather Service links have been updated to new equivalents, where possible. They'd all broken earlier this week as a result of a web site reorganization. Gone for now is the soaring forecast; it'll be restored as soon as we can figure out where it went.
8:25am: An internet provider switch at the weather station site in Hemet has been completed as of last night. We sincerely hope this will lessen the number of unwelcome service interruptions we've been experiencing going forward.
3:55pm: Installation of WeatherCurrents' latest weather site, nearby in the Sun City/Menifee area, begins next weekend.
11:05am: Internet service provider problems continue. Cable modem synchronization has been an off and on problem for a while, and currently has been out since last night. We're going to be switching internet providers as soon as possible to try to stop all of numerous and frequent service outages. In the meantime, weather data is being captured and awaits service restoration.
11:00am: Today is the third anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks on our nation. So many ordinary people made sacrifices that day to save others. We will never forget.
1:07pm: The Hemet weather station is running on battery power until a faulty power supply can be replaced this afternoon. The battery has given out in the past half hour so unfortunately there will be no more weather data until then.
4:35pm: Another equipment failure early this afternoon may cause some data to be backed out. Hopefully the weather station will be operating again this evening.
10:35am: This past August was likely cooler than normal, despite several days in excess of 100°F in Hemet. Nearby, in Temecula, the coolest August in at least the past six years was recorded. The main weather event of the month was a thunderstorm that caused a power spike and took out the weather station for about two days.
4:45pm: This composite picture of a funnel cloud (which reportedly touched ground and became a Tornado) was taken by Shaun Brodie in the Menifee Valley during the thunderstorms of Friday morning, August 13th.
2:37pm: Equipment problems have been temporarily solved with a power supply replacement. A power spike during the lightning storm took out the old one, in spite of power spike protection. Two days of weather data are unfortunately lost.
1:52pm: Equipment problems persist after a lightning strike yesterday morning knocked out power at the Hemet station and has apparently caused some equipment damage.
3:04pm: Thunderstorms and rainfall greeted San Jacinto Valley residents this morning. Rain was locally heavy, and occured in many other inland locations, including the Temecula Valley and Sun City.
9:58am: This morning's eight hour service outage was caused by faulty software on the web server. Apologies if you were trying to access the web server before 8:30am this morning, when the problem was resolved.
10:45am: Data from the outage starting yesterday around 5pm to around 10am this morning has been lost. A power outage brought the capture computer down and unfortunately it wasn't noticed until this morning.
11:15am: A story on the Citrus fire has been posted.
6:11am: Yet another fire, this one much nearer to Hemet, close to the Valle Vista area. Control was expected this morning on a 765 acre wildfire called the Citrus fire. No structures have been burned, but one firefighter has received burn injuries and two others have been treated for exhaustion. One home was evacuated. The cause of the Citrus fire is also under investigation. Photos have been submitted and will be posted later this morning.
9:25am: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) is reporting the Martin fire to be 150 acres in size and 15% contained. No structures are currently threatened. It started 9:30pm last night northeast of Sage and Red Mountain Roads. The cause is under investigation.
8:48am: A new wildfire called the Martin fire has reportedly burned 135 acres near Sage, south of Hemet. It started last night near Martin Road.
1:46pm: The Melton fire story has been updated with additional photos. The fire is due to be extinguished today.
9:20am: The Melton fire story has been updated. The current footprint of the blaze is 3,600 acres and it is a reported 50% contained.
2:00pm: The Melton Fire story has been updated. Mandatory evacuation orders have been lifted. The fire is 3,219 acres in size and 20% contained, and firefighters have apparently gained the upper hand.
12:18am: Photos and a story about the Melton fire, which has reportedly burned 7,000 acres south of Hemet near Sage, is now online.
9:15am: For those interested, WeatherCurrents' Fallbrook site became live today. Due to distance, Fallbrook won't appear in the Local Weather Roundup section, unless you happen to think otherwise.
1:20pm: The data feed from the Hemet site has been down since yesterday afternoon, due to problems with the internet service provider. We are hoping to get service restored later today.
= 12:48pm: Please check out the surf report, new to the other local forecasts section below.
4:57pm: Today's magnitude 5.2 earthquake, 60 miles west of Tijuana and four miles deep under the ocean, was felt all over the region, including in Hemet. The quake occurred at approximately 3:30pm. For raw information, see this local USGS map.
3:00pm: The Hemet weather feed was interrupted for several hours yesterday due to a regional outage from a local cable modem service provider. The outage also affected data feeds from Temecula and Fallbrook.
5:31pm: A weather announcement email list has been added for Hemet and the San Jacinto Valley.
12:50pm: WeatherCurrents web sites will be down between 10pm and 11pm tonight for scheduled maintenance.
6:05am: Additional historical weather data for the Hemet station has been added into the past weather archives, which push the start date for the weather archive to January 19, 2003. The results should include more accurate normal and climate values as well as previous year high and low information.
9:57am: The data feed was restored last night.
6:26am: Spare parts are on the way to get the Hemet weather feed back up, hopefully today or tomorrow.
10:17am: The feed from Hemet is still down. Apparently there is problem with the serial feed between the weather station and the computer that transmits the data. This means that all data from Sunday morning to this point is lost. Resolution of the problem may occur tonight.
9:59pm: Technical difficulties with the capture computer have kept data capture from reaching the web server nearly all day today. We're hoping to get the issue resolved as soon as possible.
11:09am: In response to multiple requests, rainfall by hour is now available for individual days under the Past Weather section.
10:45am: A new forecast backend begins operation today. You shouldn't notice any real differences on the main page, but it makes it much easier to enter forecast data into the system.
1:30pm: Welcome to WeatherCurrents' Hemet site. This site has been hooked up to an existing weather station in the Valle Vista area in eastern Hemet, owned by Robert Leonard, who will also edit these pages. Robert has provided archived data back to August 13th, 2003, so the Past Weather link reflects the original data. Data has been captured using the WeatherCurrents system since February 10th. The mobile (cell phone) site for Hemet is also available as of today.

The Hemet weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Hemet, California is located in the San Jacinto Valley, in western Riverside County, at the foot of the San Jacinto mountains.
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