Currently 54°F in Fallbrook, California, USA
57°F / 49°F
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 9:27 PM PDT

Fallbrook Weather Photos and Features

Editor's Note: Newer featured photos are available.

November Oaks
November Oaks: A clear afternoon's shadows at Live Oak Park in Fallbrook.
Rainbow Steer
Rainbow Steer: Bulls and cows graze on a lazy summer day in the Rainbow area. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Cactus Farm
Cactus Farm: A line of backlit cactus mark a farm in the Rainbow area. Photo courtesy of Sandy Wood.
Cloud Blanket
Cloud Blanket: Early morning clouds blanket the valleys west of Rainbow as an aircraft leaves a vapor trail higher in the sky. Photo courtesy of Steve Short.
Holy Ground?
Holy Ground?: A juvenile pocket gopher peers out of his tunnel at the Pala Mission. Photo courtesy of Darryl Medley.
Big Sky
Big Sky: Through the rainclouds, in the distance, a sliver of a rainbow meets the Fallbrook hills. Photo courtesy of Michael Mojarro.
Lightning Strikes
Lightning Strikes: To the south of south-central Fallbrook, lightning arcs to the ground in this view through backyard palms. Photo courtesy of Robert Gonsett.
Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm: Lighting crackles across the sky to the south as seen from De Luz. Photo courtesy of Dave Norton.
Storm Clouds
Storm Clouds: A break in the recent storms, but more of them loom in the distance. Photo courtesy of Robert Gonsett.
Downed Palm
Tornado Damage: A downed palm tree at the Fellios residence was fairly representive of the damage in Fallbrook from a recent tornado. Photo courtesy of Robert Gonsett.
Stagecoach Storm
Stormcloud Twilight: Stormclouds loom above the mountains north of Fallbrook as seen from North Stagecoach Lane.
Weather Station
Fallbrook Station: The temperature, humidity and rainfall sensors sit on pole in the Winterwarm area. Central Fallbrook is in the distance.

The Fallbrook weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Fallbrook, California is located in northern San Diego County, close to I15 and Camp Pendleton, and is home to ranches, avocado and citrus groves, and plant nurseries.
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