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Tuesday, February 11, 2025 6:31 AM PST

Wildomar Current and Past Featured Photos

Storm Cell Storm Cell: Clouds to the north dump rainfall on Lake Elsinore. Photo courtesy of Reginald Stanley.
September Lightning September Lightning: Lightning over Elsinore Peak as the storm cell drifts west. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
CircumZenithal CircumZenithal: Some color like a rainbow in the sky, from ice crytals aloft. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Weather Front Weather Front: Storm clouds move south into Wildomar and Murrieta. Photo courtesy of Gary Mineo.
Peak Sunset Peak Sunset: The sun setting over Elsinore Peak, in the Santa Ana Mountains. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Fall Streaks Fall Streaks: Ice crystals, cirrus clouds and wind shear combine to make an interesting cloud formation. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Morning Sundog Morning Sundog: A bright spot in the Wildomar sky on a winter morning adds some extra color. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Circumzenithul Arc Circumzenithul Arc: A fragment of an upside down rainbow in the inland sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Radio Towers Radio Towers: An assortment of radio towers on Elsinore Peak, in the Santa Ana mountains above Wildomar. Photo courtesy of Reginald Stanley.
Pastel Sunset Pastel Sunset: Santa Ana wind conditions provided a pastel sky for the sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Morning Fog Morning Fog: Ground fog rises like mist below the rising sun. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Eastern Rays Eastern Rays: These anti-crepuscular rays, converging in the east are opposite the setting sun. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sun Rays Sun Rays: Crepuscular rays brighten the sky at sunset. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Irridescence Irridescence: A view of irridescent clouds with crepuscular rays. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Fiery Sunset Fiery Sunset: Red and orange colored clouds dominate this late summer sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Sunset Rainbow Sunset Rainbow: The colors of sunset mix with a rainbow over the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Sunset Watcher Sunset Watcher: A lone hummingbird watches colored clouds at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Ice Halo Ice Halo: A circumhorizon arc (or ice halo) in the Wildomar sky, formed by ice crystals in cirrus clouds refracting sunlight. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sunrise Colors Sunrise Colors: The mountains at dawn, to the east of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Mountain Hug Mountain Hug: Morning marine layer clings to the hills west of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Moonset over Low Clouds Moonset over Low Clouds: The moon floats above the marine layer as it recedes over the Santa Ana Mountains. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Evening Launch Evening Launch: The contrail of a Vandenberg AFB rocket launch, in line with Orion's belt. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Snow Dusting Snow Dusting: Elsinore Peak, above Wildomar, with a light covering of the white stuff. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Virga Clouds Virga Clouds: Fingers of moisture reach down from the sky as a storm system passes through. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Elsinore Peak Elsinore Peak: Clouds flow below and above the radio towers on Elsinore Peak, west of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Duck Weather Duck Weather: A couple of ducks enjoy the wet weather in the Collier Elementary parking lot. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
World Window World Window: A housecat watches the world through a corner window, as the sun settles below the horizon. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
South Mountains South Mountains: The Palomar Mountain range pokes up on the horizon, as seen from the Santa Rosa Ecological Plateau's vernal pools. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Plateau Clouds Plateau Clouds: Clouds drift through the sky, casting shadows upon the Santa Rosa Plateau. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Cattle Grazing Cattle Grazing: With the San Jacinto Mountains as backdrop, cattle lazily graze at the vernal pools at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Glowing Clouds Glowing Clouds: Crimson and orange clouds show their colors at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Morning Backlighting Morning Backlighting: Morning sun accentuates the low haze; Palomar observatory is visible between condensation trails. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Moonset Moonset: A full moon setting over the Santa Ana Mountains at sunrise near Elsinore Peak. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
High Clouds High Clouds: Formations of high clouds mark the last sunset of 2010. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Cloudy Skies Ahead Cloudy Skies Ahead: Storm clouds loom above the Santa Rosa Plateau. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Morning Glint Morning Glint: A brilliant, fiery display of the morning sun reflecting off of windows throughout the south part of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Christmas Sundog Christmas Sundog: A sundog in the afternoon sky, with the sun off to the left. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Holiday Sunset Holiday Sunset: Holiday lights illuminate a Wildomar house at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Crescent Moon Crescent Moon: Contrails and the crescent moon low in the sky at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Crows and Contrails Crows and Contrails: Crows making their sunset move to the common roost at the Murietta Retention Basin. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Rocket Launch Rocket Launch: A multi-exposure capture of a Delta II rocket launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Rising Rainbow Rising Rainbow: A colorful rainbow rises past storm clouds in Wildomar. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Radiant Sky Radiant Sky: Cirrus clouds streak the morning sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
North at Sunset North at Sunset: Colored clouds float through the sky at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Storm Clouds Storm Clouds: Gray clouds loom in the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Sunset Feeding Sunset Feeding: Hummingbirds at a nectar feeder with the sunset as backdrop. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Pink Sunset Pink Sunset: Sunlight glows from beneath Wildomar's western hills. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Stormy Weather Stormy Weather: Dark clouds portend rain to come. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Exploding Cloud Exploding Cloud: This cumulo-nimbus cloud bubbles up into the sky east of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Warm Glow Warm Glow: An organish hue outlines the hills and clouds to the west at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Cloud Buildup Cloud Buildup: A nimbocumulus cloud building to the east at sunset. Photo courtesy of Jim Lockyer.
Bright Rainbow Bright Rainbow: This rainbow appear to end beyond a Wildomar neighborhood. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sweeping Rain Sweeping Rain: Brushes of rainfall come down from the clouds over Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Incoming Clouds Incoming Clouds: A harbinger of showers later in the afternoon, clouds arrive over the Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Crepuscular Rays Crepuscular Rays: Sunrays at sunrise fan out against the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Cloud Bank Cloud Bank: Morning marine layer hugs the western mountain ridge. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Gray Sunrise Gray Sunrise: The sun struggles to shine through morning fog in Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Herringbone Clouds Herringbone Clouds: A wavy lines of clouds marches across the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sunrise Fog Sunrise Fog: Wispy ground fog greets the new day. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Virga over Wildomar Virga over Wildomar: Cone clouds of water vapor reach for the earth. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Wispy Sunset Wispy Sunset: Colorful fingers of clouds spread to the horizon at sunset. Photo courtesy of Michele Perez.
Monsoonal Updraft Monsoonal Updraft: A massive cumulous cloud to the east on a summer day. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sun Dog Sun Dog: Formed by ice crystals, a sun dog reminds us how fast the air cools with altitude. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Light Rays Light Rays: Crepuscular rays in the morning shine through the clouds. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Puffy Clouds Puffy Clouds: A morning matrix of small clouds in the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Optical Effect Optical Effect: This is a circumzenithal arc, an upside down rainbow created from refraction of the sun by ice crystals. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Night Glow Night Glow: City light glares off of middle-level clouds, creating night-time contrast. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Double Rainbow Double Rainbow: Two full bands of color, one fainter, appear during a storm in the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Crepuscular Ray Crepuscular Ray: A gap in the clouds produces a bright upward ray of light. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Weather Change Weather Change: Cloud formations mark the beginning of a wet, cold period. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Orographic Clouds Orographic Clouds: These clouds over Wildomar are shaped by the mountains to the west. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Irridescent Clouds Irridescent Clouds: A glowing afternoon sky from Cole Canyon at the Santa Rosa Ecological Reserve. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Ribbon Clouds Ribbon Clouds: A ribbon pattern floats across the inland sky. Photo courtesy of GG Heath.
Vibrant Bloom Vibrant Bloom: Pink hibiscus brighten a front yard garden. Photo courtesy of Sarah Queen.
Morning Moon Morning Moon: The setting moon settles above the western hills. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sunrise Corona Sunrise Corona: A corona glow around the sun and accompanying clouds at sunrise. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Heavenly Thumbprint Heavenly Thumbprint: Stratos clouds appear to form a thumbprint in the sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Framed Sunset Framed Sunset: Layered clouds and trees frame the colors of sunset. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Dust Devil Dust Devil: A dust devil kicks around in back basin of Lake Elsinore, viewed from the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Sunrise Clouds Sunrise Clouds: Scattered clouds at sunrise captured from central Wildomar. Photo courtesy of Bruce Quimby.
Sun Rays Sun Rays: Morning crepuscular rays over the Wildomar sky. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Setting Sun Setting Sun: A summer sunset over the hills west of Wildomar. Photo courtesy of John Garrett.
Marine Layer Marine Layer: Low clouds spill over the Ortega foothills above Wildomar, with the morning moon about to set. Photo courtesy of Bruce Quimby.

The Wildomar, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Wildomar is located southwestern Riverside County, California, north of Murrieta and south of Lake Elsinore.
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