Currently 94°F in San Jacinto, California, USA
101°F / 74°F
Friday, July 26, 2024 6:22 PM PDT

Seven Day Forecast for San Jacinto, California

Posted Thursday, July 25, 2024, 8:06 AM
Warning Today's forecast is coming soon

It will be very hot once again in the San Jacinto Valley today along with isolated showers and thunderstorms for the mountains and deserts for this afternoon. Much drier inland for this weekend along with a cooling trend spreading into the area. There will be a gradual warming trend for next week with high temperatures warming around 10 degrees from from Sunday of this weekend to Saturday of next weekend. There will be a gradual increase in humidity next week with chances for afternoon thunderstorms for the mountains and deserts for the latter half of next week remaining below 10 percent.

Sunny, Hot
Sunny and hot
0% chance of precipitation
Predicted Air Quality: unhealthy for sensitive groups, AQI: 101 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Pollen level is rated "low-medium".
Friday night / Saturday morning:
66°F  Mostly clear
0% chance of precipitation
Sunny, Hot
95°F  Sunny and hot
0% chance of precipitation
Saturday night / Sunday morning:
60°F  Mostly clear
0% chance of precipitation
93°F  Sunny
0% chance of precipitation
Sunday night / Monday morning:
60°F  Mostly clear
0% chance of precipitation
Sunny, Hot
95°F  Sunny and hot
0% chance of precipitation
Monday night / Tuesday morning:
62°F  Mostly clear
0% chance of precipitation
Sunny, Hot
97°F  Sunny and hot
0% chance of precipitation
Tuesday night / Wednesday morning:
64°F  Mostly clear
0% chance of precipitation
Sunny, Hot
99°F  Sunny and hot
0% chance of precipitation
Wednesday night / Thursday morning:
% chance of precipitation
Not Available
% chance of precipitation

The San Jacinto, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. San Jacinto is located in the heart of the San Jacinto Valley, near Hemet, the Soboba Casino, and at the foot of the San Jacinto Mountains.
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