Currently 47°F in San Jacinto, California, USA
47°F / 44°F
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 7:57 AM PST

Seven Day Forecast for San Jacinto, California

Posted Monday, February 10, 2025, 2:19 PM
Warning Today's forecast is coming soon

The forecast for today predicts cooler temperatures with some clouds, followed by sunshine, with a high of 63°F and a low of 40°F. On Tuesday, expect low clouds in the morning, giving way to some sun, with a high of 57°F and a low of 42°F. Wednesday will be cloudy and cold, with a passing afternoon shower or two, a high of 53°F, and a low of 48°F.

Significant rainfall is anticipated on Thursday, February 13, with heavy rain potentially causing flooding on streets and in areas with poor drainage, leading to slow travel. A Flood Watch is in effect from Thursday, 1:00 PM until Friday, 4:00 AM. Residents are advised to exercise caution and stay updated with local advisories. The high on Thursday is expected to be 60°F, with a low of 48°F. Looking ahead, the weekend brings milder temperatures and sunshine. Stay safe and plan accordingly for the week's weather conditions.

Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy and cool. Light breezes
10% chance of precipitation
Predicted Air Quality: good, AQI: 50 (courtesy of the SCAQMD).
Pollen level is rated "medium-high".
Tuesday night / Wednesday morning:
38°F  Partly cloudy and cold. 30 percent chance of showers
30% chance of precipitation
Rain Likely
54°F  Rain likely, mostly after 10am
60% chance of precipitation
Wednesday night / Thursday morning:
45°F  Rain likely
80% chance of precipitation
57°F  Rain, heavy at times
90% chance of precipitation
Thursday night / Friday morning:
46°F  Rain, heavy at times
100% chance of precipitation
Rain, Mostly cloudy
56°F  Mostly cloudy and cool. Rain, heavy at times
80% chance of precipitation
Friday night / Saturday morning:
41°F  Mostly cloudy and cool. Chance of showers
40% chance of precipitation
Mostly sunny
65°F  Mostly sunny
0% chance of precipitation
Saturday night / Sunday morning:
45°F  Partly cloudy
0% chance of precipitation
Mostly sunny
71°F  Mostly sunny
0% chance of precipitation
Sunday night / Monday morning:
% chance of precipitation
Not Available
% chance of precipitation

The San Jacinto, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. San Jacinto is located in the heart of the San Jacinto Valley, near Hemet, the Soboba Casino, and at the foot of the San Jacinto Mountains.
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