Currently N/A°F in De Luz, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Friday, July 26, 2024 7:22 PM PDT

Light Rainfall Across Region

Posted February 6, 2005, 9:02 PM.

Light rainfall fell sporadically across western Riverside and northern San Diego counties Sunday in February's first rainfall. All WeatherCurrents stations recorded rainfall, and two locations recorded at least a tenth of an inch. Fallbrook led the way with 0.16" as of Sunday night, with De Luz recording 0.10". Hemet recorded the least rainfall at 0.01".

Moisture from a coastal eddy mixing with a weak storm front produced the rainfall, predominantly this afternoon and evening.

Diminished, sporadic showers are expected to continue through Monday night. Drizzle may be possible Monday morning. The chance of measurable rainfall tonight through Monday night is currently estimated at 20%.

Other Recent Weather News for De Luz, California

The De Luz, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. De Luz is located west of the Temecula Valley and north of Fallbrook, on the Santa Rosa Plateau, in southwestern Riverside County, California.
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