Currently N/A°F in De Luz, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Saturday, February 15, 2025 2:59 AM PST

Service Outage Resolved

Posted March 10, 2005, 12:51 PM.

The web site was down for about an hour today between 11:30am to just after 12:30pm. We apologize to anyone trying to access the web site during that time.

The cause of the outage was a necessary software upgrade of one of the web server software components. These are regularly done when required to prevent intrusions into the web server. The downtime for security patches is normally minimal and is usually measured in seconds.

WeatherCurrents strives to keep the web site as available for your use as possible. We schedule outages sometimes to upgrade software, but these are only during non-peak hours.

Other Recent Weather News for De Luz, California

The De Luz, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. De Luz is located west of the Temecula Valley and north of Fallbrook, on the Santa Rosa Plateau, in southwestern Riverside County, California.
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