Currently N/A°F in Beaumont, California, USA
N/A°F Alert
N/A°F / N/A°F
Friday, July 26, 2024 7:10 PM PDT

Beaumont, California Precipitation Summary

Normal season: July 1 through June 30

Average seasonal precipitation: 15.26"(387.4 mm)1

Season    Precipitation
2011-2012    11.04" (280.5 mm) *
2012-2013    13.75" (349.3 mm)
2013-2014    9.76" (247.9 mm)
2014-2015    13.50" (342.9 mm)
2015-2016    18.43" (468.0 mm)
2016-2017    19.77" (502.0 mm)
2017-2018    7.91" (200.8 mm)
2018-2019    21.07" (535.1 mm)
2019-2020    17.86" (453.6 mm)
2020-2021    7.00" (177.8 mm)

* Actual season start date: December 9, 2011

1Average precipitation does not include incomplete rain seasons or the current rain season.

The Beaumont, California weather pages are a service of WeatherCurrents. Cherry Valley is located in northern Riverside County, California, a community of the northern part of Beaumont, along the Interstate 10 highway, in the San Gorgonio pass area, between the communities of Calimesa, Banning.
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